Press Release 9-13-12 — BYE BYE, ROBOT

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Press Release 9-13-12



Austin, Texas – September 13, 2012 – Bye Bye Robot is pleased to announce eight new additions to its collection of fully licensed STAR TREK posters. The new releases add two new posters to each of the artist’s collections and include two from newly assimilated video game artist, Drew Johnson.

The new posters include two retro-styled posters from illustrator Steve Thomas -- “Escape To Risa,” a retro Travel poster beckoning you to visit Risa and experience all its wonders, and “Red Shirt Recruitment,” a retro Recruitment poster calling for the enlistment of new red shirt crew members. Each of these is 16”x 24”. Much like Steve’s previous “Enterprise Shuttle Service” poster, “Escape To Risa” has matching vinyl die-cut Horga’hn stickers, which are also available.

Two of the additions offer poster alternatives to artist Charity Wood’s canvas Giclee collection. For those collectors who prefer paper, Charity’s “Cold Blooded,” an 18”x18” portrait of the Gorn, and “Boldly Go,” a 14”x36”portrait of the U.S.S. Enterprise now allow them a chance to collect their colorful prizes in their medium of choice.

Artist Jeff Foster’s contribution includes two new Impressionist-styled posters to his series. “Neutral Zone,” 18”x24” is a stunning aqua colored depiction of Romulan Warbirds being pursued by a stealthy U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D. Jeff’s “Dash D,” a 12”x24” portrayal of the Enterprise-D brings all of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s colors together again and ready for your home.

Video game artist Drew Johnson brings two new paintings to the fold. Drew’s 12”x18”, “Borg3” (pronounced Borg cubed) brings a modern ferocity to this three-cube Borg battle, and his 12”x18” sized “Warped” blasts forth at the speed-of-color, showing off the Enterprise-D.

The new additions were launched at Creation Entertainment’s Official STAR TREK Convention in Las Vegas last month.

“We are thrilled to offer this large grouping of new posters,” says Chris Wood, Co-Founder of Bye Bye Robot. “The amazing response we have received from the unveiling of this new artwork in Las Vegas recently continues to inspire us and the artists to create evermore exciting STAR TREK imagery.”

All of the new posters, ranging from 12”x18” to 14”x36”, are licensed by CBS Consumer Products and available for purchase today from for $15 - $30 each, plus shipping.


About Bye Bye Robot, LLC

Founded in 2011 by Charity and Chris Wood, Bye Bye Robot is an independent publisher of art. Currently, they are a licensed seller of original works of art based on all of Gene Roddenberry’s live action Star Trek TV series plus Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation movies. Bye Bye Robot is dedicated to creating deeply immersive, visually spectacular pieces of art that will amaze and inspire viewers for generations.

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