contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

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P.O. Box 2583
Cedar Park, TX. 78639

(512) 481-7455


Here are some common questions and answers. Be sure to contact us for any info you don't find here.

  • How much is shipping?

    • Posters - Shipping is $5 for a single poster order. If multiple posters are included in a single purchase then the shipping changes to $3 for each poster.

    • Canvas - Shipping is free.

    • Stickers - Shipping is $1.50 for the first 3 packs of stickers, and increases incrementally after that.

  •  Is Faster shipping available?

    •  Yes! You may upgrade to USPS Priority 2-3 Day Shipping for an additional fee. We will also expidite your handling time so that your order ships out on the next available business day from the date it was placed. Click here to add FASTER SHIPPING to your order.

  • Which items are Limited Edition and which aren't?

    • Any artwork that is Limited Edition will be marked as such. If "Limited Edition" isn't stated in the product page, then you can safely consider it unlimited.


  • What is the shipping and handling time?

    • Orders are typically processed and shipped out within 3-9 business days. We ship via USPS First Class Mail. When an order is shipped, a confirmation email is generated containing a tracking number which you may use to monitor the shipment’s progress.


  • I don't live in the United States. How do I purchase your products that are available Worldwide?

    • For licensing purposes our site will only run sales through to persons with shipping/billing addresses within the U.S.A. However our non-Star Trek products are available worldwide. If you live outside of the U.S.A. and would like to purchase our products that have worldwide availability, please contact us and we will invoice you separately for the items you choose.


  • When did Bye Bye, Robot open for business?

    • Bye Bye, Robot opened on February 29, 2012...Leap Day! We have been making and selling artwork ever since! Click the link to see the original story on StarTrek.com announcing our company's launch.