Press Release 7-5-12 — BYE BYE, ROBOT

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Press Release 7-5-12



An art style harkening back to the Impressionists, featuring the U.S.S. Enterprise & Klingon Birds-of-Prey.

Austin, Texas – July 5, 2012 Bye Bye Robot is pleased to announce a brand new series of fully licensed STAR TREK posters from Southern California painter and illustrator Jeff Foster.  The new series blends this artist’s impressionistic style with iconic ship imagery from STAR TREK movies and television series.

The initial launch includes “Exploration,” a striking rendition of the Starship Enterprise set against a colorfully painted background that will delight both STAR TREK fans and art lovers.  Also included is “Hunting for Prey” featuring three foreboding Klingon Birds-of-Prey against a vividly red, nebula bursting, star field. 

Launched at Comicplaooza in Houston, the new posters were a hit with STAR TREK™ fans & art collectors alike.

“We are thrilled with the popularity of the new series,” says Charity Wood, Co-Founder of Bye Bye Robot. “Jeff’s work brings another dimension to the realm of SciFi & STAR TREK artwork.  We can’t wait to see what he has in store for the rest of his series”

Both the “Exploration” and “Hunting for Prey” posters, licensed by CBS Consumer Products, are available for purchase today from for $25 plus shipping. The new poster will also be available at Creation Entertainment’s Star Trek Convention Las Vegas in August.


About Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster is a Southern California artist who’s been working in illustration and painting for the past 17 years.  Receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in Illustration from California State University Long Beach, Jeff shows his work throughout Southern California while bolstering his list of private collectors.

About Bye Bye Robot, LLC

Founded in 2011 by Charity and Chris Wood, Bye Bye Robot is an independent publisher of art. Currently, they are a licensed seller of original works of art based on all of Gene Roddenberry’s live action Star Trek TV series plus Original Series and Next Generation movies. Bye Bye Robot is dedicated to creating deeply immersive, visually spectacular pieces of art that will amaze and inspire viewers for generations.

About CBS Consumer Products

CBS Consumer Products manages worldwide licensing and merchandising for a diverse slate of television brands and series from CBS, CBS Television Studios and CBS Television Distribution, as well as from the company's extensive library of titles, Showtime and CBS Films. Additionally, the group oversees online sales of programming merchandise. For more information, visit