Press Release 11-13-12 — BYE BYE, ROBOT

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Press Release 11-13-12



Modern Art and Star Trek™ Fans Have a New Lithograph to Add to Their Collections

Austin, Texas – November 13, 2012 Bye Bye Robot is announcing a brand new lithograph, now available, featuring the bridge crew from Star Trek: The Next Generation commemorating the 25th anniversary of its beginning.  The new lithograph, created by illustrator Tracie Ching, is titled “TNG 25” and conveys the heart and soul behind the characters of the series.

“We’re extremely excited to be working with Tracie Ching,” says Charity Wood, Co-Founder of Bye Bye Robot.  “Her work has been established across many film genres and brings a modern bold style to the STAR TREK universe”

Created using the red, gold and blue colors of the different branches in Starfleet , the 18”x24” lithograph features portraits of the 7 most iconic characters of the series and includes an illustration of the NCC-1701-D .

The “TNG 25” lithograph, licensed by CBS Consumer Products, is available for purchase today from for $25 plus shipping.

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About Tracie Ching

Tracie Ching is a graphic artist and illustrator specializing in pop culture imagery whose modern designs explode with bold linework and color. Her affinity for capturing the moments in movies, TV and childhood memories that we all have has led to an extensive portfolio of poster art.

About Bye Bye Robot, LLC

Founded in 2011 by Charity and Chris Wood, Bye Bye Robot is an independent publisher of art. Currently, they are a licensed seller of original works of art based on all of Gene Roddenberry’s live action Star Trek™ TV series plus Original Series and Next Generation movies. Bye Bye Robot is dedicated to creating deeply immersive, visually spectacular pieces of art that will amaze and inspire viewers for generations.