Press Release 1-13-13 — BYE BYE, ROBOT

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Press Release 1-13-13



Modern Art and Star Trek™ Fans Have a New Print to Add to Their Collections

Austin, Texas – January 13, 2013 Bye Bye Robot is announcing a new poster featuring the iconic ship, S.S. Botany Bay. Khan’s ship, from the episode “Space Seed,” is the first in a new series of ships by artist Mark Brayer. Brayer’s background of magazine, comic book and book cover art unites into the style for the retro design of the new poster.

“Working with Mark and the new series of prints is awesome,” says Chris Wood, Co-Founder of Bye Bye Robot. “His unique draftsman-type style is perfect for the vintage ships, and the anticipation of the other posters, in the new series, is palpable.”

Featuring detailed line-work and vibrant colors, and printed on heavyweight acid-free coverstock, this new poster includes recognizable visuals from “Space Seed” and depicts the S.S. Botany Bay floating in space with a hint of what is to come in its near future.

The “S.S. Botany Bay” poster, under license by CBS Consumer Products, is available for purchase today from for $25 plus shipping.

™ & © 2013 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved

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About Mark Brayer
Mark Brayer is a full time illustrator and cartoonist with his own studio, Lightspeed Studios, and has been working in the field for over 25 years. He has created a vast amount of art for greeting cards, comic books, illustrated characters, book covers and illustrations, magazines, corporate logos and branding, websites and graphic design. His unique style and versatility has led to a wide spectrum of endeavors.

About Bye Bye Robot, LLC
Founded in 2011 by Charity and Chris Wood, Bye Bye Robot is an independent publisher of art. Currently, they are a licensed seller of original works of art based on all of Gene Roddenberry’s live action Star Trek™ TV series plus Original Series and Next Generation movies. Bye Bye Robot is dedicated to creating deeply immersive, visually spectacular pieces of art that will amaze and inspire viewers for generations.