Press Release 5-11-12 — BYE BYE, ROBOT

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Press Release 5-11-12



Visual Art and Star Trek™ Fans Have a New Poster to Add to Their Collections

Austin, Texas – May 11, 2012 Bye Bye Robot is announcing a brand new poster (available today) featuring the iconic shuttlecraft and planet Cestus III from Star Trek: The Original Series™.  Called “Enterprise Shuttle Service” and created by famed illustrator Steve Thomas, the new poster is styled similarly to the pre-war WPA posters of the 1930s. 

“We’re extremely excited to be working with Steve Thomas,” says Charity Wood, Co-Founder of Bye Bye Robot.  “His work has been established with other Sci-Fi franchises and we believe that Steve brings a wonderful and unique style to the STAR TREK™ universe.”

The poster features an illustrated planetscape made famous in the Star Trek: The Original Series™ episode “Arena,” with the iconic shuttlecraft Galileo sweeping over the planets cragged surface.  Calling on cadets to join Starfleet’s SHUTTLE CREW SERVICE, the new artwork also displays the taglines “Explore new worlds. Seek out new life. Support tourism in the Federation.”

The “Enterprise Shuttle Service” poster, licensed by CBS Consumer Products, is available for purchase today from for $25 plus shipping. The new poster will also be available at this month’s Houston based Comicpalooza convention and Creation Entertainment’s Star Trek™ Convention Las Vegas in August.

™ & © 2012 CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.

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About Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas is a graphic artist and illustrator specializing in retro styled imagery. His affinity for vintage poster, propaganda and product art from the early 20th century along with his interest in retro-futuristic art from the mid-1900’s has led to the creation of his large portfolio of poster art.

About Bye Bye Robot, LLC

Founded in 2011 by Charity and Chris Wood, Bye Bye Robotis an independent publisher of art. Currently, they are a licensed seller of original works of art based on all of Gene Roddenberry’s live action Star Trek™ TV series plus Original Series and Next Generation movies. Bye Bye Robotis dedicated to creating deeply immersive, visually spectacular pieces of art that will amaze and inspire viewers for generations.

About CBS Consumer Products

CBS Consumer Products manages worldwide licensing and merchandising for a diverse slate of television brands and series from CBS, CBS Television Studios and CBS Television Distribution, as well as from the company's extensive library of titles, Showtime and CBS Films. Additionally, the group oversees online sales of programming merchandise. For more information, visit