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Michael Okuda


As the lead graphic designer for Star Trek, Michael Okuda has earned screen credit on more Star Trek productions than anyone except Gene Roddenberry. Michael was responsible for the control panels, computer readouts, alien written languages, and other cool stuff in Star Trek: The Next Generation through Enterprise, and on Star Trek movies 4-10. He also provided graphics for Clint Eastwood’s Sully, as well as The Bourne Legacy and The West Wing.

Michael’s fascination with the real space program led him to design the mission patch for the STS-125 space shuttle flight, worn by the astronauts on Space Shuttle Atlantis on the final servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. His NASA work includes the team emblem for Mission Control (Flight Operations Division), the project logo for the Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle, and the Spaceflight Memorial Patch (with Bill Foster), which hangs on the wall of Mission Control.

Michael has been recognized with three primetime Emmy nominations for Best Visual Effects and NASA’s Exceptional Public Service Medal. He served as a technical consultant to Star Trek’s writing staff, and with Rick Sternbach is coauthor of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual.

Along with his wife, Denise, Michael is writer of newly-updated Star Trek Encyclopedia, published by HarperDesign. They were consultants for the remastered version of Star Trek: The Next Generation, they were producers for new visual effects for the HD remastered version of the original Star Trek series, and they served on the Smithsonian Institution’s special advisory committee on the Starship Enterprise filming model. They have done voice and text commentaries for numerous CBS and Paramount Star Trek DVDs and Blu-ray releases, and even did a comedic in-universe text commentary for the Blu-ray of Galaxy Quest.

Michael and Denise’s most recent project is THE RODDENBERRY VAULT, a Blu-ray release from CBS Home Entertainment, on which they served as co-producers.  The Roddenberry Vault features 12 episodes of the original Star Trek, along with six all-new in-depth documentaries highlighting never-before-seen footage of the classic series, rescued from the cutting room floor.

Michael graduated from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa with a bachelor’s degree in communications and is a member of the Art Directors Guild, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and the Visual Effects Society. Mike thinks science is the coolest thing ever and he really wants to be the first graphic artist in space.


Michael Okuda Capsule Stickers - Devices

Michael Okuda Signature Series: Devices Labels

Created by Michael Okuda, for Bye Bye, Robot, these stickers are like the capsule-shaped panel identification labels found on everything in TNG from turbolift doors to storage areas. It is these capsule-shaped labels that are now officially available to fans for the first time ever. 3 individual labels per sheet.

Labels include:
LIBRARY COMPUTER ACCESS AND RETRIEVAL SYS: Use of optical data network elements for social media access is prohibited unless authorized by bridge ops manager.
PERSONAL ACCESS DISPLAY DEVICE: This unit for mission-critical Starfleet operations only. Crew use for viewing animated feline gifs will result in immediate reprimand.
PERSONAL COMMUNICATOR: Caution: Users experiencing a sudden urge to record two-dimensional images of themselves should seek immediate medical attention.

See more from Michael, below...

Michael Okuda Capsule Stickers - Quarters

Michael Okuda Signature Series: Quarters Labels

Created by Michael Okuda, for Bye Bye, Robot, these stickers are like the capsule-shaped panel identification labels found on everything in TNG from turbolift doors to storage areas. It is these capsule-shaped labels that are now officially available to fans for the first time ever. 3 individual labels per sheet.

Labels include:
CREW QUARTERS: Accommodations for Starfleet personnel. Poker is strictly prohibited unless command duty officer is invited.
PERSONAL HYGIENE FACILITY: Crew members are required to thoroughly wash hands, tentacles, and other dexterous appendages before returning to duty.
GARMENT STOWAGE FACILITY: Starfleet uniforms to be stowed on gravitational suspension hangers. Missing socks automatically stowed in black hole.

See more from Michael, below...