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P.O. Box 2583
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(512) 481-7455

Kevin Hopkins


Kevin Hopkins

Kevin has earned a BA in Fine Arts with postgraduate additions and has studied under several internationally acclaimed artists. He is an accredited art teacher and has taught high school art and vocational painting classes. He also teaches private classes in painting, drawing, and Photoshop. Kevin pursued a career in fashion design where he created over 1,000 product lines and a medallion that headed into space on the ill-fated ‘Challenger’ space shuttle expedition.

Later Kevin became associated with Realm Press, a comics publisher, and worked there as artist and art director for their ‘Battle Star Galactica’ and ‘The Drakkon Wars’ licensed series. In ’90 Kevin became a winner in the international Illustrators of the Future Contest and attended the Los Vegas awards presentations. In the late ‘90’s Kevin relocated to Hollywood, California and began work on a pre-syndication comic strip and discovered the emerging field of digital imaging. While there he was a guest of several local conventions including LosCon, and the San Diego Comics Con. After two more years of drawing comics Kevin was hired by Warner Brothers Studios and was involved with the production of several motion pictures made by them, including ‘The Matrix,’ Looney Toons, Back in Action,’ Last Samurai,’ The first four Harry Potter films, and ‘Batman Begins.’ Over this period Kevin has produced several magazine and paperback book covers and taken awards at convention art shows too numerous to mention. For spare time hobbies he enjoys writing, sculpting, and being a museum fossil preparator.



18" X 24"

Art Print

Heavy Weight 10pt Cardstock, acid-free

by artist: Kevin Hopkins

...see more info below