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P.O. Box 2583
Cedar Park, TX. 78639

(512) 481-7455

Jonathan England


jonathan england

I’m a Southern Fine-Artist based in Austin, Texas, specializing in portraits. I love Beauty and the human form, especially the face. Contrasting elements, Significance in the Insignificant, the Forgotten or Overlooked (especially within popular culture), and niche popular culture appeal to me. I enjoy the freedom of following my inspiration to create pieces using unusual subject matter or media.

Stylistically, I often like juxtaposing bygone traditional, classical art style with modern things and people — intermingling the Old World with the New. I feel that it reveals a hidden depth of meaning and/or beauty in these subjects that only Old World Classical Tradition can do. It bestows a kind of forgotten Elder Wisdom and Commentary on our modern society. I’m similarly fascinated at the ways that humanity has and has not changed through the ages.

I use this method as a vehicle to convey a truth, emotion, and soul hidden within the subject themselves.




Ode to Spot

18" X 24"

Art Print

Heavy Weight 10pt Cardstock, acid-free

by artist: Jonathan England
...see more info below