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P.O. Box 2583
Cedar Park, TX. 78639

(512) 481-7455

Drew Riley


Drew Riley

Drew Riley is an artist from Austin, TX. She lives out her childhood dream (well, one of them) as a professional artist skilled in both digital and traditional mediums.

A Trekkie from an early age, her claims to fame include having had a Star Trek birthday party as a child, and being Spock for Halloween more than once. Riley may, or may not, have made an Enterprise, Bird of Prey, and Spock’s bust out of Legos in her youth, as well. She probably did not display them in a case for years after their creation.

After graduating with distinction from Gemini School of Visual Arts and Communications in Cedar Park, TX in 2008, Riley started her art career as a freelance artist. Her early work included, illustration, and video game concept art. One of her favorite jobs was as a concept artist for Star Wars the Old Republic, an online MMO released by Bioware.

Now, Riley runs an advocacy project for gender diversity. Her series, Gender Portraits, consists of paintings and stories of transgender and gender non-conforming peoples. She spends her days creating and sharing her art and stories with people and lobbying for LGBT rights. In her free time, she works on posters for Bye Bye Robot while watching Star Trek.

